For those who want to provide sponsorship

The contact person

General Director: Marina Vladislavovna

8 925 411 30 21

The requisites of the firm.

Dobrodel LLC
OGRN 5077746858635
INN 7721588021
Gearbox 771801001
OKPO 81359510
Р / с 40702810738250036148
Moscow Bank of the Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Moscow
OJSC "Sberbank of Russia", Moscow
C / s 30101810400000000225
BIC 044525225

Legal address:
107014, Moscow, Popov travel, 4
Actual address:
107014, Moscow, Popov travel, 4
General Director of LLC "Dobrodel" Chernykh M.V.
+7 (499) 391 38 54, +7 (929) 677 38 54